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Blandford Opportunity Group

Reg. Charity no. 1027771

Special Needs Policy 

The group will attempt to offer a place at the group for any child with special needs, provided we can offer a positive experience of learning through play.

Our aim is for all children to be included in all activities wherever possible. We aim to have regard to the DFES Code of Practice for Special Educational Needs and also the provisions of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995, updated 2005 (as amended by the Special Educational Needs Act 2001.)  and the Equality Act 2010. We will modify the Curriculum if necessary to take account of the child’s needs and this will be decided on an individual basis.

The group has designated SENCO’s, (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator – currently Sharon Kevern ), who takes responsibility for the day- to-day operation of the Group’s SEN policy and co-ordination of  provision for children with SEN


a) Access, we will:

  • Make every reasonable attempt to provide access for any child .
  • Assess each child’s needs in terms of access and adapt our facilities as appropriate as far as possible.
  • We will discuss each child individually with parents and relevant professionals to ensure that the group can deal with any medical or other specific needs before entry.
  • Please see our Admissions Policy for further information.

b) Assessment, we will:

  • Obtain details of the child’s special needs on our referral form and then discuss these with the child’s parent(s)/carer(s).
  • Talk to the Carer and child, when possible about what they want
  • Ascertain the needs of the child, including medical requirements.
  • Analyse our ability to offer positive care, both in the physical environment, as well as staff and their suitability.

c) Support and expertise, we will:

  • Contact the relevant professionals with the parent’s permission, for advice and support.
  • Ensure staff will work together with parents/carers as partners to give day to day care and education for the child and support the parents/carers.
  • Ensure that all children are treated individually and are encouraged to take part in every aspect of the settings activities.
  • Promote positive images of those with special needs.
  • Endeavour to appoint staff with experience and knowledge.
  • Investigate opportunities for training of staff and volunteers, and encourage the staff team to attend training where appropriate.
  • Provide support in following the graduated response and EHCP
  • We will pass any records drawn up by us in respect of a child to any Pre-school/school that a child moves on to. Providing that the child’s parents have given their consent prior to the records being passed on.